Monday, November 16, 2009

Almost 6 Months post-"Event"

It will be six months this coming Thanksgiving weekend since my little "event". I'm now 62 pounds down, and looking and feeling better than I have in years. A check-up with the Sleep Doctor at Harborview last week showed that as of about a month ago I have stopped snoring almost completely. I've also noticed that I'm dreaming much more vividly at night. He attributes the improvement to my weight loss. Even I can notice a difference in my face when I look in the mirror. The full-length mirror in the morning still isn't as kind as it should be...

I'm scheduled for a treadmill stress test at the hospital this week. It will be interesting to see what they find there, but I'm not really looking forward to it because I really hate running--on a treadmill or otherwise. Hurts my knees.

Had to go out over the weekend and buy some new pants, a shirt and a jacket. I'm down 4" on my waist and a full shirt-size. My clothing is really getting too baggy. But I hate to buy too much since I'm really just "passing through" my current weight. I anticipate losing at least another 50 pounds, and preferably closer to 75. I've learned that I can't get in a hurry. It has to be lost one pound a time.

I have continued bicycling to work four times a week. It's really not very fun in the rain and cold, but by commuting just one way, it's bearable. I plan to continue through at least until December, later provided it doesn't snow. My bicycle is showing some wear-and-tear. Had to replace the chain because it was starting to rust and links were getting stuck. The chain-ring shifter is broken, so I ordered a replacement on eBay that I just need to take the time to put on now.

I'll post again after getting the results from the stress test.

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